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There are many ways to get involved- we're so glad you're here! Please see some of the ways in which you can help further the mission of the MDEG listed below. Feel free to connect with us about any ideas or questions you may have. We look forward to having you join us!  


Subscribe to our emails here:



Learn from Resources about Equity in Music:

Committing to learning and unlearning is a big part of creating equitable communities. Check out our resources page, where you can find a growing list of google docs, publications, and links that center equity and social justice in music and music education. See something missing from this list? Please connect with us so that we can include it on our page! We are always looking to expand our list and include new resources to inspire action!

MDEG General Meetings:

Join us for our weekly general meetings! During this time we create plans and discuss actions we are taking towards our short and longterm goals. Check out our calendar for more information about our future meetings, and get caught up with what we are working on by visiting our Values & Goals page!

Attend MDEG Related Events:

Check out our calendar for upcoming MDEG events, as well as other equity focused happenings within the UMass music community and beyond. 

Equity Town Hall Meetings:

Please join us for our department-wide Town Hall Meetings, in which we will discuss the current status of our short and longterm goals with the greater FAC community. 

Thank you for subscribing!

Make an Anonymous (or Named) Submission:

While the UMass community at large aims to create safe/brave spaces for students to express their experiences and ideas regarding equitable practices within the classroom, we understand the inherent risk in voicing these circumstances. Through this form, you have the option to submit your issue or circumstance anonymously, or you may chose to submit your name and email, and we will follow up with you. Please visit our UMEDG Anonymous Form Submission here, and read the entire text in order to find the best outlet for your issue or concern.*  

* While this form can be used to create an anonymous report about issues related to equity practices in the FAC, please know that any submissions that fall into the category of UMass Acts of Violence (Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, Stalking, Harassment, & Bias-related Incidents) are required to be reported to the Dean of Students Office. Please visit the Dean of Students Office page here as well as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Climate Incident Report here to make the best decision for your submission.

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